Here are some of Mother's treasured quotes.

The physical being itself can be the seat of perfect existence, knowledge and bliss.


The storm is only at the surface of the sea; in the depths all is quiet.


In the silence of our hearts, there is always peace and joy.


We must be free of all selfishness to serve properly the Divine's cause.


We must never forget that our goal is to manifest the Supramental Reality.


Let us always do the right thing and we shall always be quiet and happy.


Day after day our inspiration will grow and our faith will multiply.


The Divine is present in the very atoms of our body.


A constant aspiration conquers all defects.


Let us do our best in all circumstances, leaving the result to the Divine's decision.


Let us have a sincere aspiration devoted to a constant good. Will, and the victory is certain.


After all, it is very simple, we have only to become what we are in the depths of our being.


The truth is in us, we have only to become aware of it.


With a quiet mind and a peaceful heart, let us do the work happily.


When we trust in the Divine Grace we get an unfailing courage.


There is no greater joy than to serve the divine.


If man surrenders totally to the Divine, he identifies himself with the Divine.


In peace and silence the Eternal manifest. Let nothing trouble you and the Eternal will manifest.


How beautiful, grand, simple, and calm everything becomes, when our thoughts turn to the Divine and we give ourselves to the Divine!


Truth and knowledge are an idle gleam if they do not bring power to change the world.


The Grace will never fail us - such is the faith we must keep constantly in our heart.


The only important thing is to follow the Divine's truth with love and joy.


Let the Divine's peace always reign in your heart and mind.


In the Divine's love, we always find all love and all consolation.


Everything must be transferred by the knowledge of the truth.


Whatever you do, always remember the Divine.


The true strength is always peaceful.


There is no greater victory than that of controling oneself.


An old wisdom says: "Just as unity is in each of the members, so the Divine is one in all things."


We must always aspire to be free from all ignorance and to be a true faith.


Take Truth for your force, Take Truth for your refuge.


If it can be done in one single body, it can be done in all the bodies...I am not made of something else than the others. The difference is in conciousness, that is all...


A life without an aim is a miserable life.


We must always aspire to be free from all ignorance and to have a true faith.


Let the Divine presence be always with you.


There is no end to progress and everyday one can learn to do better what one does.


Steady efforts always bring great results.


We celebrated on this day (24th April 1954) the 34th anniversary of my final arrival at Pondicherry. Since then, I have not left this place.


The best way to express one's gratitude to the Divine is to feel simply happy.


Let the Divine Consciousness be the leading power in your life.


At the hour of danger a perfect quietness is required.


With trust in the Divine's Grace all obstacles can be surmounted.


Whenever there is sincerity and good will the Divine's help also is there.


Alone the Divine can give us a perfect safety.


It is in the Divine that we shall always find all what we need.


A great joy is always deep in our heart, and always we can find it there.


Daily we must aspire to conquer all mistakes, all obscurities, all ignorances.


Life is a journey in the darkness of the night. Wake up to the inner light.


Perfection in the work must be the aim, but it is only by a very patient effort that this can be obtained.


Whenever things become difficult we must remain quiet and silent.


Let the consciousness work in you and through you and everything will become all right.


Let it be, for you, a new birth of your consciousness, the constant and conscious contact with your psychic being, and, for your co-workers, the new start of an unselfish and real collaboration in the work.


It is by combined and patient effort that all good work is done.


Go on aspiring and the necessary progress is bound to come.


When you start a quarrel, it is as if you were declaring war to the Divine's work. 


The Divine words comfort and bliss, soothe and illumine and the Divine's generous hand lifts a fold of the veil which hides the infinite knowledge


Purity in the cells: "Cannot be obtained except through conquest of desires; it is the true condition for good health" Supramentalised Psychological Perfection: "A psychological perfection aspiring to be divinised." Godhead: "Pure and perfect, puts out its force in the world." Power of the Divine consciousness in the matter: "All powers of controlling and dominating the lower movements of inconscient nature."  


Whatever you do, do it always carefully. 


For the work, steadiness and regularity are as necessary as skill.


My help is always with you to help you in your progress and your work. The difficulties you cannot overcome today, will be overcome tomorrow or later on.


Be sure that I am always present among you to guide and help you in your work and your Sadhana. 


One can progress through meditation, but through work provided it is done in the right spirit, one can progress ten times more.


Unless stated above, all quotations have been taken from "Mantras of the Mother" Published by The Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, India 

ISBN 81-7058-179-6

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Quote: If we live constantly close to the spiritual forces, we become charged with them

If we live constantly close to the spiritual forces, we become charged with them.


Lines to memorize


Thy immortal soul of sweet perfume

Hath risen to the throne of thy Lord;

Thou art no more separate from Him.

Thy humble heart hath taught me a holy secret,-

Yea, thou hast given thine all!




When we do our work through higher inspiration, which comes from contact with our Source, it has a special freshness.  This inspiration comes with purity of heart.  No one has a monopoly of it. The true heart is the same everywhere.  The pure soul in its attitude and aspiration is always the same.  There is no difference in the great saints anywhere.  Spiritual wisdom is always the same and it never fails to fill the one who possesses it with higher power.




O Thou who art my Resting-place and Shelter*,

I take refuge in Thy Sacred Being.

Rouse in me a new ardor of devotion.

I offer Thee my whole heart in humble worship;

Cleanse it and fill it with Thyself.



Swami Paramananda

Quote: I rest in the healing presence of The Mother and I am strong and whole

I rest in the healing presence of The Mother and I am strong and whole.




In the silence of my soul, I am keenly aware that The Mother is infusing and enfolding me.  I feel that healing presence transforming a seeming condition of illness into a vision of glowing, radiant health.


Although at times I may appear to have symptoms of illness, I know a higher truth: Because The Mother and I are one, I cannot be sick.  I am strong and whole in mind and body.


My entire being absorbs the great healing power in those words as I bask in the presence of The Mother.  I repeat them often, believing and proclaiming that the power of The Mother is healing me.  As I pray, my thoughts and words are of health and well-being.  I am a radiant example of strength and wholeness.



My child, be attentive to my words;

Incline your ears to my sayings….

For they are life to those who find them,

And healing to all their flesh.”

Quote: Life affords us endless opportunities for unfoldment

Life affords us endless opportunities for unfoldment


Lines to memorize


The stream of my life is ever flowing on;

Perchance in swift current,

Again slow and still as if stagnant,

But ever flowing on to find Thee, Thou

ocean of life and bliss,

To join its little stream with Thine uncompassed waters,

To find its wholeness in Thy Being.




A person cannot begin to think and unfold his inner faculties without transforming everything.  His speech, his thought, his action will manifest it.  His life of itself will be consecrated and steadfast in purpose.  Egotism and aggressiveness often blind our vision and make us miss higher opportunities.  Only as we learn to draw from within are we able to make the best use of these opportunities.




O Thou Supreme Mother of the Universe,

Reveal Thyself unto me that my mind may

be freed from all lethargy and doubt.

Lift my thoughts and prayers that I may

have access to Thy Infinite Being.

Make my heart harmonious and peaceful

That I may be ready for Thy holy Spirit

to come within me.


Swami Paramananda


Meaning:     Uncompassed (encompassed)  - Among, bounded

Consecrated - solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose;

Egotism - an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others

Perchance - by chance

Quote: The proof of our love for the ideal lies in service

The proof of our love for the ideal lies in service


Lines to memorize


O awake, brother! Linger thou no more!

Come and see this newness and freshness

of love, life and joy!




A truly happy life is one which radiates happiness, which gives happiness to others. Let us make ourselves open channels to receive and transmit joy.  May we not only receive it, but let us make ourselves able to retain it, that we may give it to others. Let us pour out ourselves in love and service.  What comes of it, let us leave that to the Lord.  Every time we think of our own self it brings us sorrow in one form or another.  We may attribute our unhappiness to other things but its cause lies in self-seeking.  We can create a boundary between ourselves and such selfish thoughts through selfless devotion and consecrated service.  That boundary of selflessness nothing can penetrate.




O, All-loving Spirit, remove all selfishness

and egotism from my heart,

That I may be able to love and serve truly,

May I realize Thy Presence within and


And carry its radiance into the world.

May Thy blessing rest upon my life,

And may I share that blessing with others.

Thee for strength and wisdom to meet

each step.

Quote: Wise ones find their peace through renunciation

Wise ones find their peace through renunciation.


Lines to memorize


 I can speak no more for all sounds are

harsh and dissonant since I heard Thy

unbroken harmony.

Thy gentle note was drowned in this world’s

gross tumult;

But now my ears have grown deaf to all

other sounds save Thine.




The light of wisdom teaches self-detachment- detachment  from the petty details of life.  This is true renunciation.  We must never forget our connection with Divinity.  We all want something that will make our life more complete, but this does not mean the acquisition of things.  The wise pray: “Make my life more beautiful, more fruitful, more production of good.”  The man who gives up always finds something of greater value.



O Thou Giver of all good, open my mind, my heart,

my whole being to Thy higher gift.

Thou alone canst bestow what I need to make

my life complete.

Thou art the embodiment of all loveliness

and blessedness.

Thou art the beginning, Thou art the end;

Thou art all there is.

May I rest my life in Thy Divine Life.


Swami Paramananda

Quote: Never do anything that will destroy another's faith. Even the simplest faith leads Godward.

Lines to Memorize.

Wouldst Thou receive this unworthy gift of mine?

Then let me lay it prostate at Thy blessed Feet

I came with an eager heart.

Though  courage had I none to approach Thee.

But Thou, All-seeing, didst know my heart's yearning

And didst call me to Thy side.

I am wonder-struck at this, Thy mercy!


When we learn the art of connecting ourselves with the Source of life, this little distracted fragment of life will become glorified and we shall find peace.  Our little life will be blessed and we shall not again weep and mourn.  We shall learn to practise the beautiful attributes of life - calmness, peace, steadfastness, faith.  These are the adornments of life which beautify a man's character.


Kindle in my heart the light of understanding, O Lord,

That I may learn to be a true instrument in Thy hand.

May I never do aught to hurt or hinder my brother in his search for Thee.

May I always serve truly and faithfully all Thy children.

Accept my offering of prayers and bestow on me Thy holy blessing.

Swami Paramananda