Quote: Wise ones find their peace through renunciation

Wise ones find their peace through renunciation.


Lines to memorize


 I can speak no more for all sounds are

harsh and dissonant since I heard Thy

unbroken harmony.

Thy gentle note was drowned in this world’s

gross tumult;

But now my ears have grown deaf to all

other sounds save Thine.




The light of wisdom teaches self-detachment- detachment  from the petty details of life.  This is true renunciation.  We must never forget our connection with Divinity.  We all want something that will make our life more complete, but this does not mean the acquisition of things.  The wise pray: “Make my life more beautiful, more fruitful, more production of good.”  The man who gives up always finds something of greater value.



O Thou Giver of all good, open my mind, my heart,

my whole being to Thy higher gift.

Thou alone canst bestow what I need to make

my life complete.

Thou art the embodiment of all loveliness

and blessedness.

Thou art the beginning, Thou art the end;

Thou art all there is.

May I rest my life in Thy Divine Life.



Swami Paramananda

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